
The Road to Moab Utah

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This morning I awoke in Logan Utah. It is a curious place. So peaceful, so predictable, so uniform. Do I have a problem with Logan? No. Can I find something exceptional, something out of the ordinary? No. And that is my problem. That is what is so unsettling.

Car Trouble
But oh yes, the car. I've got a light on in the dashboard that is telling me that I have engine trouble. One day, awhile back, I stumbled upon some discussion on the internet where someone said that if the check engine light comes on, there is a computer in your car that is controlling it. Then it mentioned that there are some automotive places like Schucks that will willingly read the code from the computer for free and translate the meaning.

So I used our GPS to track down the nearest Schucks-like automotive store. I seriously did not have any confidence that this would work, but out of desperation I walked into the store and told them the situation and asked them if they could read my car's computer. I expected a reply that would yet again mark me as shamefully car illiterate.

But it worked! The guy acted like he gets this question everyday, grabbed some sort of device and walked out to my car!

I was surprised that he read my car's computer via the drivers door and didn't have to pop the hood of the car at all. That was weird. But that is what I saw.

Soon his face reflected a serene expression of complete knowledge. He had performed what was the the equivalent of a vulcan mind meld with my car. He knew everything that was wrong with my car. He knew it's likes and dislikes. In his mind were images of my car just rolling off the factory floor, images of all those drives to work, he knew it all. And he knew what was now the point of anguish in the life of this vehicle.

The Problem with our Car
He told me that my problem had to do with the catalytic converter. At this point I must applaud the Evans family who posted a comment on yesterday's article that suggested that the problem lies with the catalytic converter. It is indeed true that the catalytic converter was the problem.

I was told it is a problem that does not necessarily need to slow us down on our goal to get to Mexico. So we have decided to turn a blind eye to the persistent Check Engine light and continue on with our journey. Plus...I gotta get out of Logan.

Back on the Road
Our journey today took us past Salt Lake City and down stretches of freeway with billboards and traffic. We pushed past this as fast as possible.

Soon we veered further east and away from the Salt Lake scene. We were pretty excited to see the landscape looking more scenic.

We entered an area in the heart of Utah where there was nothing but emptiness. The elevation was very high, there were no towns, few cars, and the weather was unpredictable and tumultuous. It was around 90 degrees, it it would rain periodically and we would also see lightening. It was actually pretty fascinating to drive through.

We knew we were approaching Moab because the landscape began changing to some striking colors of red.

Let me tell you, Moab is the coolest town ever. We didn't know what to expect, but this town is great! We could spend way more time here. It is very remote and yet there is so much to do here. Plus lots of good places to eat. And all of this is nestled in a red landscape backdrop. Very cool place. We loved it.

Tomorrow we will finally get to go to a national park that we have always wanted to visit...Arches National Park.


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